Past Events

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On 21 January we hosted another event for the series Career Development Event for Life Scientists, that is supported by the GNK. Dr Holger Reithinger, partner at Forbion, introduced us to the world of Venture Capitalism, a rather interesting career perspective for PhD holders.


Dr Giorgia Gugliemi welcomed NGC followers in the new year with a talk on 07 January 2020 about science communication and science journalism, for the series Career Development Event for Life Scientists supported by the GNK. The freelance science journalist told us about what her job is like and …

@ Lutz Lab

We celebrated again a Neuro-Christmas with a lot of delicious food and drinks, coupled with thought provoking discussions. Thanks to everyone who joined this and all NGC 2019 events. See you after the holidays for a new NGC year!

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Congratulations to Dr Marius Baeken, who successfully defended his thesis on 18 October  thus conquering the title of Dr. rer. nat. He rehearsed his defence talk “Epigenetische Restrukturierungen durch ein Redox-Signal mitochondriellen Ursprungs in einem experimentellen Modell der …

@ JGU Campus

On 3 September we celebrated the end of the Summer break with our Neuro-BBQ. Enjoying the sun on the lawns of the campus, NGC & friends gathered for an evening of relax before going back to lab work and seminars. With beer, grilled meat, vegetables, and tasty salads we sat together comfortably, …


Our Career Development Event for Life Scientists supported by the GNK featured on 29 August a talk held by Dr Prateek Mahalwar. After a PhD in a Nobel laureate’s lab in Tuebingen, he opted for a career in consulting at EY. Now, he works for the two start-ups that he co-founded. During his talk he …

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We congratulate Dr Tanja Jene who successfully defended and got her Dr. rer. nat. on 16 December! Tanja rehearsed her defence talk “Social Stress in Mice: Behavioural and Metabolic Implications” with us on 25 July. After 3 publications and a successful PhD in AG Mueller, we wish her all the best in …

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On 23 July we organised our first workshop on professional skills for the CTS, “How to build, develop and use a professional network”, thanks to the support of the GNK. Held by trainers of the Association Bernard Gregory, the workshop was attended by 23 PhD students and postdocs of Mainz campus.


The first Career Development Event for Life Scientists co-organised by NGC and the IPP reps, and supported by the GNK, took place on 12 June. Prof. Martin Michel had a successful career in academia, but then decided to take a senior management position in a pharmaceutical company. Afterwards, he …

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On 14 May we hosted our first happy-hour event: the NGC Spring-mixer. At three different “information speed dating” tables, participants engaged in interesting discussions and got valuable information regarding mentoring, financing of the PhD   as well as activities available on campus.