How to make your next job application a success


Career Talk Series with Prateek Mahalwar

This course will introduce PhD students and postdocs on how to
prepare effectively for a job interview outside of academia.

Part1 - The job application
Topics include: how to make professional CVs and cover letters for
non-academic job applications, including tailoring for specifinc job
applications; what to do beyond applying; what are employers
looking for in 2020 and beyond.
Participants can also receive feedback on their own CV or resume
(to be submitted be fore the course starts).

Part 2 - The job interview
Topics include: how to prepare for a non-academic job interview,
including dos and don'ts; how to face a phone/online interview; how
to answer difficult questions; what interviewers expect from
The training will include a mini-interview practice in group.


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